Monday, December 30, 2019

How being a mom can boost your job performance

How being a mom can boost your job performanceHow being a mom can boost your job performanceBefore I became a mother in 2010, I had been in the workforce as a salesperson in the medical device field for years. It welches a hyper-competitive market with lots of passionate people who wanted to party, make money and climb the corporate ladder. Which welches exactly what I did. My career was everything to me it was my identity. It was who I wanted to be and I was super passionate about succeeding. I eventually worked my way up and was approached about a management position, which was awesome It was what I had wanted and was my next professional goal.So, before I interviewed for the management gig, I did my homework. Excitedly, I spoke to the other managers to really understand what I was getting into. I wanted their candid feedback so I would be prepared for my interview and get an idea of what to expect in this role. I got a lot of a good advice about how to run the business, manage my sales team and how hire and fire. Pretty basic, right? Until I hit a conversation that surprised me and still stings me to this day, especially because today I am a mother.The advice I was given by male manager was not to hire female sales reps. Taken aback, I asked him Why? Im thinking, heck, Im a female, why wouldnt I hire other women. He said, Because they have babies and stuff and wont do their jobs. bedrngnis only did he advise not to hire women, this manager also confided in me this was a quiet rule between the managers. It was understood. At that moment my future challenges were clearly laid out before me as I knew I one day wanted to become a mother, and yes, continue to work.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.I did it though. I got the management job and had a baby.In 2017, according to the US Labor Force, women make up 47% of the workforce. And guess what? 70% of moth ers work in 2017 vs 11% in 1960. Whats mora is mothers are the primary or sole earners for 40% of households with children under 18.How can the stigma of being a working mom still exist when we landsee momentum in unterstellung numbers?I can personally tell you that becoming a mother made me better at my job and career. It didnt make me go soft, or unfocused. In fact, motherhood made me more assertive and decisive. It made me more strategic and thoughtful in my work. You are forced to improve these skill sets and begin functioning at a higher level previous to children. In speaking to friends that are working moms, they experienced the same.Here are five ways that being a mother can actually improve your job performanceImproved time managementTime management takes on a whole new role in your world when you become a mom. Basically, you learn that you cant control everything and you need to manage your time as such. You are forced to think way ahead of schedule, be ready to manage dis asters, and expect the unexpected. Think carpool, conflicting ballet classes and soccer games,thrown in with a sick child, pet at the vet, traveling husband, meeting with the boss and a work deadline. All of this makes for complete mayhem and disarray.There was a time in my life that all of these components would have absolutely sent me over the edge, or into a bottle of pinot noir. The flip side to this is that it taught me to manage my time better. This translates well into the working world because our minds become trained to think on point and ahead of time. All. Of. The Time.It teaches us in our jobs to know how to manage time, efficiently run projects, handle the unexpected and continue to make all of it work. Admittedly, I do still pour myself a pinot noir in the evenings, but at least I manage my time around it.Develop Low TMothers develop Low T. And I dont mean Low T in the Viagra sense. I mean Low T in the sense of having a low tolerance for bullcrap. After all, as moms, w e have to manage our time differently, which means we have less time for B.S. with the kids. We wont tolerate bullying, stealing or shaming at home, so why tolerate it at work?Having Low T in the workplace helps us sniff out the drama from a mile away, address it quickly and move on. Mothers tend to stay away from the office politics, handle work challenges swiftly, and can close a sweet deal like no ones business.More compassionateBeing a mother will make you more compassionate. I mean, even when you are getting spit up on, changing a blow out diaper, or dealing with a temper tantrum you still love that baby with all of your heart and soul. It doesnt matter how rough the scenario may be, you learn to roll with it and move on.Again, this flows over well into the workplace. Increasing compassion can improve relationships, trust, and performance. When employees feel they are in a safe and trusting environment, and their colleagues do care about them personally and professionally they give back more to the organization.More focusedWorking mothers typically have less time with their children. It is part of it, and it isnt fun. A job could require more travel, conferences, and client dinners. What this means for moms is missing school events, piano recitals and even just the everyday conversation of riding home from school in the car. Because of this mothers are more focused on their goals and tasks at work. Because we are away more, we make our time count so that when we are at home, home life counts.Moms dont want to let work interfere with the kiddos. This means that we get projects done early, are prepared for upcoming meetings and more organized. Also, moms are full-time problem solvers. We are forced to think strategically continuously. We are able to switch these strategic thinking skills into work and practice them frequently as we do at home.As a result, we are super-efficient and productive. Not only does this help the company, this helps us reach profess ional goals and with our own personal growth.Masters of stressThe common theme in all of this mothering and working stuff is the high-stress factor. Stress can run rampant at home and work, and at times will feel inescapable, (speaking from personal experience here). But it can also be the underlying current that drives better time management, maintained focus, and dealing with others issues. The crazy thing about existing with stress is that it has made me better at handling it. My stress freak out level is much higher, and my capacity for patience is higher too.At home, I have less of a heart attack when I see that Oreos have been smashed into my favorite white chair, and at work, I breathe easier when approaching a deadline, or dealing with an angry manager. It has taught me to deal with work stress thoughtfully, patiently and exit the experience gracefully.As for the manager who told me not to hire women, and to his colleagues who believed the same? Today I would tell them thisD ont ever underestimate the strength of a working mother.Oh, and Costco is having a sale in the wine department.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Employment Separation Agreements

Employment Separation AgreementsEmployment Separation AgreementsWhen employers decide to terminate a job, theyll want the employee to release the company from any binding claims. To do this, most companies use an employment separation agreement. Its a way of saying both parties have reached an amicable end to the working relationship. Employment separation agreements arent required by law companies use them to seal confidential company information or to protect themselves from lawsuits. After signing, an employee cant sue employers for wrongful termination orseverance pay. So the question is Should you sign an employment separation agreement? Terms of the Agreement The separation agreement lists the conditions both parties agree to and the legalities of binding the contract. The conditions will supersede other agreements, including your employment contract, so examine the terms carefully. Common conditions include Details of the SeparationThe agreement identifies both parties and states employment and termination date. It may give a specific reason for leaving- layoff, resignation, termination- or simply state the employee is leaving the company.A Severance PackageThis is optional and may or may notlage include a monetary payout.U.S. lawonly requires that employees receive wages due to the final working day and accrued vacation. Even thebiggest companieslay off staff without severance pay. Refer to your employment contract for terms governing severance packages. Remember, the company wants you to sign the agreement, so you have no future claims. Consider if the severance package on offer is worth that release. Check the employee handbook for rules and procedures covering terminations. In particular, look for company policy on different reasons for termination. If its the result of company downsizing, for instance, you could be entitled to a severance plan or additional payouts. Severance may take the form of benefits in lieu of cash. Amount and Method of De livery If the company offers wages and other payouts, the agreement must spell out the exact amount and nature of the compensation. The payout could be a lump sum or a structured plan. In all cases, it should stipulate the date and delivery method. When companies pay severance over a fixed period, the agreement must define the duration and payment structure.Tax and Insurance The agreement must outline tax deductions andpayment policy. In certain cases, a company will continue paying into the employees health insurance plan. It could be the case if youre in a group health insurance program, for example. Non-Compete Provisions A non-compete clause restricts you from undertaking a job in your field for a set time or in a specified location or both. It is another mechanism companies use to protect their interests. In other words, it prevents you from working for the competition. Make koranvers you understand the conditions and their implications before you sign. A non-compete clause can dictate the direction of future job prospects.Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Employers may require that the separation agreement conditions and details remain confidential. A non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement should specify what remains private- trade secrets, company finances, customer lists, and so on. It must also list exceptions to the non-disclosure clause (lawyers, spouses, etc.). Non-Disparagement The company will outline what you can or cannot say about the company, its employment practices, and reasons for the termination.Other Clauses References, post-employment cooperation, the return of company property, and re-hiring policy may appear. Signing an Employment Separation Agreement Analyze the terms of a separation agreement and research labor lawsin your state. The company will prepare an agreement to cover its interests first. Ensure that you are signing something that protects your rights as well. Consider The claims you will be giving up once you sign the agreementThe reasons for termination. Wrongful termination, due to discrimination, for example, may warrant alternative action.Your age. If youre older than 40, you have 21 days to think about the severance offer before it expires. You have an additional 7 days after signing to revoke the agreement.Is the agreement is a general release? Does it cover all present and future actions, such as class action lawsuits, or is it limited to employment up to your termination? A good employment separation agreement protects both parties interests. Some employers draw up overly complicated agreements to confuse or intimidate employees. If you dont understand the terms, seek advice from a lawyer before signing and giving up any rights.

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Person should a CVs be written in

What Person should a CVs be written inWhat Person should a CVs be written inOne of the primary choices you should make when you start composing your CVs. Whether you need to write in the first or third individual.Your resume ought to never be composed in the third individual. Use the first individual. Yet forget the pronoun I. For instance, in case youre a clerical specialist. Rather than saying I facilitated travel for senior administration,. You should say Composed travel for senior authority.It is additionally more straightforward, drawing in an individual, advancing the archive. The aptitudes and the accomplishments as exceptional to you. In the event that you need the spotter to see the individual behind the vocation. This might be the approach you must, as it likewise enables you to prove your energy.Use the third person in CVsTo more sort out your resume, use bolded and stressed words. Be reliable. In the event that you strong an organization name in your experience segment. S triking all the organization names in that segment. On the off option that you stress dates for one position. Do likewise for all your different positions.The genuine truth is that both contracting supervisor. Selection representatives need a straightforward, legitimate CV. They get confounded by whatever else. Remaining by our prior point, we are keen guarantee At last, customers are utilizing your CV to judge your reasonableness. While they may think you are peculiar for utilizing the third individual, as a general rule. They will lean towards the competitors whose CVs are simpler to process. This may appear to be clear, but, is there any good reason why it shouldnt be?It expected to happen The commonplace list of references is exhausting and good for nothing. To a great extent since it is composed in the free third individual. The pattern toward the first-individual list of references. In which competitors manufacture an association amongst themselves and their potential boss. I t is one-way work candidates are getting through.The primary advantage of the third individual approach is that is acknowledged as a standard resume tradition. Its more formal and influences it to appear as though you recognize whats normal.In any case, the primary individual list of references not puts a few specifics around encounter. That would somehow or another be undefined from different hopefuls, but, it additionally gives a look into every applicants identity. Note how the rundown of this promoting proficient separates the activity searchers novel offer.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Survive a Bad Day - The Muse

How to Survive a Bad Day - The MuseHow to Survive a Bad Day Lousy days happen to all of us. Even a seemingly harmless wake-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed morning can send you into a funk. No matter how many happiness hacks or positive mantras you try to make it better, it can be hard to shake your grouchiness and glass-half-empty attitude. And when a bad mood follows you to work, it can amplify all sorts of everyday annoyances and frustrations. Now, perhaps youre not able to hold it together in front of your babo when she criticizes your report. Or youre more prone to raise your voice at the intern when he makes copies in black and white instead of color like you asked. And you make absent-minded mistakes, like distractedly sending the wrong version of a document to a client. Ugh. While none of ansicht are career-ending mistakes, their effects can leave you feeling down on yourself for days. Whatever the situation, you know you need to turn it around as soon as possible. To help you do that, here are a few tips for turning a really, really bad day into a better tomorrow.1. Identify the Real ProblemIn the middle of a bad day, youre prone to making blanket statements like, I feel so stupid or Nothing is going according to plan. But pause your catastrophic thinking, and take a moment to identify the emotions behind those thoughts. Are you angry with a client? Disappointed with yourself? It may sound simple, but applying a label to the emotion youre experiencing can discharge its hold on you and equip you to overcome the negative feelings. When youre flustered, your mind is cluttered, but research shows that putting your feelings into words can put the brakes on your emotional response and help you process the situation from a more rational, calm perspective. A thought becomes simply a thought an emotion just an emotion. For example, I keep messing up at work, and Im so frustrated with myself becomes Im having the thought that Im not doing enough at work, and Im f eeling frustration because of it. This mindfulness practice has been shown to improve behavior and problem solving.2. Cancel the Pity anlassWhen youre having a bad day, your decision-making skills are hijacked, so avoid rash action. Read Dont hit happy hour to drink your bad day away or delete the gigantic PowerPoint thats been the source of your frustration. Instead, allow yourself a set amount of time to wallow, be angry, or be sad, and then move on. For example, give yourself the morning to emotionally work through whatever is gnawing at your last nerve, but commit to coming back strong after lunch. If you cant turn it around that quickly, listen to the advice sleep on it. Sometimes, choosing to end one day and start fresh the next is the most powerful cure for a bad day. 3. Find Comfort Through ConnectionWhen youre having a bad day, its easy to self-sabotage- like wallowing alone. But resist the urge to isolate. We all have that one buddy who puts a smile on our face, no matter what, so see if you can arrange a quick coffee date with this person- or, if he or she lives far away, send an schmelzglas or text. Reaching out to a friend and finding empathy in his or her response can have a comforting effect and help you feel accepted (bad days, grouchy moods, and all). Plus, it can be a great opportunity to ask for advice or a second opinion if youre facing a thorny situation at work. If you dont feel like explaining the situation to a friend, try reading PostSecret or your favorite blog. Even those virtual connections can help you feel understood and reminds you that youre not alone- other people go through similar things every day. 4. Pay it ForwardDoing something to help others is a win-win- even if your primary intention is to lift your own mood and make you feel better. Need ideas? Offer to mentor an a new intern at the office, help an elderly person in your building carry heavy bags, or finally donate to the charity youve been thinking about getting invol ved with. Not only will you be helping someone else, but youll be able to take the focus off of yourself, which can put your bad day in perspective. In fact, having this kind of giving attitude is key to being successful. Generosity helps elevate your reputation to multiply other peoples successes, making you indispensible, management expert Adam Grant explains. So, find ways to help your co-workers, put more effort into answering emails, and, in general, make yourself a resource to others. 5. Take Care of Yourself, But Dont Over-IndulgeIn theory, treating yourself sounds nice after a day when nothings gone right, but its actually the worst time to indulge. When your judgement is compromised, you could end up overdoing it, whether that means eating a few too many sweet treats or buying a $300 pair of shoes that definitely arent in your budget. In the moment, it may make you feel great- but when its time to pay your credit card bill, youll likely be overcome by guilt and end up feeli ng even worse. Instead of looking for a surface-level cure when you feel awful, ask yourself what you can learn from your feelings and implement a plan for change.Weve all heard the old saying that its not how many times you fall down, its that you find the strength to get back up. When you find yourself in a deep funk, keep in mind that horrible days happen to everyone- and they dont make you any less valuable of a person or employee. A little perspective, along with these tips, can help you bounce back next time one of those days happens to you.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Top 3 pros and cons of being a contract worker in tech

Top 3 pros and cons of being a contract worker in techTop 3 pros and cons of being a contract worker in techContract and full-time job offers come with different salaries, benefits, and expectations. Choosing between becoming a contract worker or full-time employee requires balancing the options with your personal situation. To help you assess if a contract role is right for you, heres a quick guide on the top three pros and cons.The Cons1. No benefits.Contractors are typically exempt from receiving the manyperksand benefits that full-time employees are given access to. This means no company health insurance, no paid maternity leave, and no unlimited PTO. The extras, including fitness and health perks, may be off-limits as well.2. Restrictions to advancement.When you work as a contractor, you may find yourself working independently with little oversight from company managers. With no one in a senior role to back you, promotions andfull-time conversionswill be mora difficult to come b y. Landing a managerial role will be even more unlikely, if elend completely off-limits. Titles will be difficult to change too, even when your tasks and duties change.3. Being marginalized.Contractors at large tech companies sometimes find themselves feeling segregated from their full-time peers and may struggle to find asense of belongingin the workplace. However, some companies do a better job than others at integrating their contractors into the fold.The Pros1. Bigger paychecks.Contractors may not receive any benefits but theirtake-home paycan be 2-3 times more than the compensation offered to full-time employees. A software engineer contracting at a Silicon Valley tech company can earn $330K annually while a full-time equivalent may earn only $130K.2. Freedom.As a contractor, you will have more freedom than full-time employees. You may be able to set your own schedule and take time off on your own terms. Perhaps you wont have to attend most company meetings and even skip the pe rformance reviews. Not being tied to an employer also allows you to work on different projects and jump from company to company with more ease.3. Bypass the office politics.While there is the chance that you might feel like an outsider when working as a contractor, the positive side to this is that youre less likely to get dragged intooffice politics. Because really, who wants to deal with that?Whether the pros outweigh the cons will really depend on your current priorities. If you have a family or are looking to start one, a full-time position will probably be the stable and better route. But if having more freedom is what youre looking for, becoming a contract worker may fit your needs. Both full-time and contract positions have their perks and drawbacks, and what really matters is which role best suits your life at this very moment.This article first appeared on Blinds Work Talk Blog. Blind is an anonymous workplace app.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Fools Manual to Accounting Resume Examples Revealed

A Fools Manual to Accounting Resume Examples Revealed Accounting sphere evolves rapidly and should you need to succeed your resume ought to be packed with related key terms and showcase your understanding of the business. Becoming in a position to analyze numbers and figures in documents is a vital skill for a great many accounting jobs. On a fundamental level, accountants have to be very computer-savvy and comfortable with technology, because most verlottern organizations utilize a number of different accounting information systems to handle their accounting activities. As soon as its almost a given that any prospective applicant will have accounting program experience, you still need to list each of the relevant applications on your bookkeeping resume. Hence job application goals will definitely differ dependent on the sector where youre looking for job. Attending job search training groups will help you make a concrete plan for locating a new job. When you truly wish to get that job, then youve got to send them a targeted continue. Show the things you have actually achieved inside your job and quantify it fully. Youre asking for some job. When you submit an application for a specific job, the resume is to be directed for a particular function. Never incorporate the reason you left your prior job. The Upside to Accounting Resume Examples 1 common mistake jobseekers make on resumes is to extend a list of things they were accountable for over the span of their careers, inducing the section to read as a job description in place of a list of particular accomplishments. Your technical skills can assist you a whole lot in winning the eye of employers. You are able to find two means by which you will be in a position to create resumes. More experienced people who may rather not advertise what a very long job history they have had. Accountants want to demonstrate an affinity for numbers, but in addition they will need to demonstrate their skill w ith words by making a strong written message. Leadership skills also enable you to offer training to staff and make aya that all workers are conscious of new laws and regulations. Learning steps to produce a continue in the right format is important also. Writing an entry-level accounting resume can seem to be a scary task due to absence of practical knowledge in hand. 1 general weakness of lots of resumes, is they include a laundry list of job duties instead of accomplishments. If youre looking for a job as an account executive, your resume needs to demonstrate you have the wisdom and experience required to advise clients and manage finances. You ought to make sure your job positions are precisely identified so to prevent misunderstandings especially if youll be considered for an interview. Accountant position in US its a wide position, which might call for distinctive responsibilities. Whether youre a recent accounting graduate or youve been in the area for at least a de cade, crafting the ideal accountant resume objective could help make certain your resume stands out from the remainder of the stack. You may therefore make the most of the career objective to immediate impress the employer which youre the accounting professional that theyre looking for. If youre searching to change careers and enter the accounting field, an undergraduate degree or accounting certificate may be a great choice that will help you build the skills you will need to produce the shift. Use a career objective if you are a newcomer to the business and go for the usage of skilled accountant summary statement in case you have already gathered professional experiences in the area. Whatever certifications youve got, make sure theyre related to the work opening. When many skills in accounting can be gotten over time, through experience at work, obtaining additional credentials is a significant way for accounting professionals to set up their authority and expertise employed . Training programs ought to be listed on the latter portion of your resume as it isnt as important in contrast to your experiences and techniques. Be certain you list your relevant abilities and any certifications you might have, including your accounting resume examples Handlers card. Make certain that you will be specific with the skills you have. The ideas that you may follow in curating your accounting skills are given below. Any extra skills you may add will present your resume a boost. Strong analytical and communication skills are a few of the critical skill sets needed to turn into a tax preparer. The End of Accounting Resume Examples Nearly every tool youve got to create an expert job application isnt difficult to get at coming from the main menu. A top quality sample accounting resume will contain all the key terms and phrases an employer will be searching for many times throughout the resume. Whichever format you select, it should make you become selected for th e job youre applying for. Avoid using generic materials for every single job that you apply for. Ok, I Think I Understand Accounting Resume Examples, Now Tell Me About Accounting Resume Examples Employers find it quite unattractive. Accountants are always needed by all sorts of businesses. There are various Resume Career Objectives on the site, and youre able to check them out. Recruiters want to find out more about you so dont be afraid to give them with the info they are searching for.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Nothing is Impossible The Real-life Example of Dr. Maya Angelou

Nothing is Impossible The Real-life Example of Dr. Maya Angelou Im sure at one point or abedrngnisherbei weve all heard these familiar phrases You can be anything you want to be.Dream big.Nothing is impossible.With hard work, anyone can accomplish their goals.I know Ive heard sayings like these over and over again. But, as Im sure many of you know, its not always easy to believe the common phrases on the road to your dreams. Although were shown many rags to riches examples, weve also come to the realization that these many examples of success are really only a select few.Think about itSteve Jobs dropped out of college and started Apple in his parents garage. We all know how immensely successful this endeavor turned out to be, but we also know the thousands of other Steve Jobs whose inventions/ideas never took off.J.K. Rowling was on welfare and worked in coffee shops to keep warm before she became a best-selling author. zu sich story is amazing, but there are millions of other writers who cant even get an agent or publisher to look their way.Ralph Lauren dropped out of high school and joined the army years before becoming the designer of one of the most popular name brand clothing today. Yet, Im sure youve met (or have seen) many aspiring fashion designers whose clothing line ideas never manifest.Oprahs rags to riches story is truly inspiring, yet Ive met many inspiring journalists who never make it past reporting for the local newspaper in a small town.Bill Gates, Ursula Burns, John Paul DeJoriathe list of rags to riches stories can go on and on, but compared with the millions who dont share the same tale, they can still be viewed as the select few who actually made it.And Ive come to add another to the list. The iconic, inspirational and literary genius, Dr. Maya Angelou, passed away May 28, 2014, at the age of 86. And like so many others, Angelou has a tale of overcoming triumph and adversity to reach the many feats she did in her lifetime.As I pondered Dr. Angelous legacy and the impact of her passing, I realized that she, like the others listed above, truly is an example of hard work and nothing being impossible to accomplish. Of course 1) success is subjective and 2) there are numerous other stories that we dont hear about because they arent on the celebrity scale.But I believe we can learn valuable lessons when looking at the stories of Angelou and many others who seem to be the cream of the crop when it comes to overcoming adversity.Ive heard may people say, Well, those stories arent true for the average American. Well, perhaps if we change our perspective, the prominent rags to riches tales can go from the minority to the majority.Let me briefly tell you about this phenomenal womanShe was raped by her mothers boyfriend at age seven and turned mute for the following five years.She dropped out of high school, and then later returned to graduate while being pregnant (and eventually a single-parent mother).Were constantly taught that one must receive an education to be successful. On paper and credential wise, Angelou didnt fit the bill for Americas definition of a future successful person.She worked as a streetcar conductor (the first black woman to do so in San Francisco), a waitress, a Madame for prostitutes and she did drugs (including smoking pot).So Angelou was a minimally educated, job hopping, teenage mother who dabbled in drugs. From the outside looking in, Im sure no one would classify her as the recipe for success.And, which I feel is very important to note, Angelou grew up and worked in a time (the 60s) where African-Americans (including writers) were heavily oppressed.But even though everything on paper deemed Angelou unqualified for future success, she went on to become one of the most influential writers and voices in our nations history. She was fluent in six languages, received more than 30 honorary degrees and was the second poet in history to recite a poem at a presidential inauguration, among her many writing accolades.She never even earned a Ph.D. but was widely known (and preferred being referred to) as Dr. Angelou. Her life is a true testament to there being more than one road to success Angelou paved her own road and her legacy demonstrates to us that we can too.I know it sounds clich, but when you look at stories like Dr. Maya Angelous you really can see that nothing is impossible. Her life and the lives of other prominent rags to riches figures may seem like special cases, but that is only because we continue to view them that way.Dr. Angelou didnt have many examples of black women writers while growing up, but did that stop her from writing? Our world hadnt even fathomed the idea of an internet but did the lack of example stop Bill Gates?The well-known success stories shouldnt be viewed as special or rare but as POSSIBLE.Angelou and many others show us that it is possible. Yo u can start from nothing and turn your career into something. You can be uneducated or skip college and still achieve your dreams (depending on the occupation). Your credentials can NOT add up on paper your background may look unqualified but that doesnt mean your future will be.I wonder what would happen if we began to believe that anything truly is possible. How a black woman writer believed that people, in 1969, could be inspired by her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. How a college dropout believed in an invention called Apple. Or even how one man believed in equality and freedom for South Africa.Dr Angelou once said, I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.I encourage you to continue her legacy and dare to dream big. Dare to work hard and accomplish your goals. Dare to believe that you can truly be anything you wish to be. And, most important, dare to embrace the truth Nothing is impossible.Photo creditYo rk College ISLGP via photopin cc