Friday, July 31, 2020

How to Phrase Grant Writing on Resume

How to Phrase Grant Writing on ResumeWhen it comes to how to phrase grant writing on resume, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. These things should not be done in a haphazard way. Doing so will only result in your resume not getting the appropriate attention that it really deserves.First, how to phrase grant writing on resume involves proper grammar and punctuation. You do not want to get called out for using sloppy writing. Grammar rules are the key to having a solid, well-written resume. This is why having a professional writing service written your resume is a must.How to phrase grant writing on resume also entails making sure that you have your best interests in mind. Many people make the mistake of assuming that they know exactly what the goal of the people who seek the grants that they are writing. They assume that these people know what they want, and how they want it, and that the government has something to say about it. It is the policy of the US govern ment to not have a say in the granting of grants, so you will need to research on your own.Second, how to phrase grant writing on resume means making sure that you present yourself in the best light possible, with a personal application form that your resume can stand on. A personal application form is a format that is designed for making sure that all of the information that you provide on your resume and your letter is presented in the best light possible. Your personal application form is more likely to get your application and your letter seen by those who write the grant proposals.Third, how to write a grant writing on resume means that you should think about the application that you will submit and what type of grant writing the program or agency is looking for. Often, the applications and letters that are submitted to these programs are very different from the applications and letters that are sent out to those that are looking for grants for business ventures or business fun ding. The agencies and organizations that are seeking grants will be able to look at your application or letter, and see what kind of grant writing they are looking for.Lastly, how to write a grant writing on resume means that you should take the time to talk to the people who write the grant proposals. These people are typically the ones that you will need to talk to, in order to get an idea of what the grant process is like. For example, if your writing is to be about a new manufacturing company, talk to the grant proposal writers to get an idea of what you will be writing about, and what this project is actually about. Chances are that you will find that this grant writing can be quite complex, and that you will not have the same ideas as you would if you had not spoken to these people.The final thing that you need to keep in mind when you are doing your how to write a grant writing on resume is that you need to ensure that you put your best foot forward and give the impression t hat you are someone who is serious about making a statement. Do not go into this endeavor thinking that you will be submitting a fluffy letter that says nothing but good things about your skills. No one is going to be impressed by a half-hearted idea that comes across on your application or letter.Instead, think about the fact that you will be writing about something that is truly important to you, and that you will be speaking on behalf of someone who is the right thing, and will be the right thing for the right reasons. These are all things that you will want to think about, when you are writing how to write a grant writing on resume.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Dream job 101 Ask the tough questions - Hallie Crawford

Dream job 101 Ask the tough questions I was working with Ben, one of my  group coaching clients, recently. Hes drafting his career mission statement. This is usually a tough job at first, but once it starts to click it can be inspirational for everyone. Your job search can really take off once you’ve defined this. If you want to begin writing your career mission statement ask yourself these tough, critical questions and think about them. Take time to muse on them. You should even ask your friends and family what they think. Its the Who, What and How of your career. Who do you want to impact or help through your career? What do you want to help them with? How do you want to help them? Heres an example of my own purpose statement as a career coach: I want to help young to mid-career professionals (WHO) define and land their dream job (WHAT) by coaching them individually and in groups (HOW) to find their career direction. Now you try itIf you could do anything, be anything or have any impact on the world you wanted towhat would it be? Whats your Who, What and How? If you need help with this, try out our new Online Career Center where you get 24/7 access to our career coaches, plus 2 live monthly coaching calls with me. It’s only $1 for the 1st month! Hallie Crawford Career Search Coach

Friday, July 17, 2020

9 Smart Questions to Ask a Job Recruiter Before an Interview

9 Smart Questions to Ask a Job Recruiter Before an Interview 9 Smart Questions to Ask Recruiters Before an Interview On the telephone with an enrollment specialist? Remember to ask these nine significant questions. Ring, ring. Hi it's a scout calling you about the activity you applied to weeks prior. Or on the other hand possibly it's a selection representative who unearthed your LinkedIn profile. Maybe it's the spotter you connected with a couple of days prior. In any case, they're prepared to talk. This call regardless of whether it just goes on for 10 minutes is significant, and can be apparently more significant than a genuine prospective employee meeting. Why? It's your opportunity to give an extraordinary initial introduction. It's likewise your opportunity to pose any inquiries you may have about the activity, get ready for the meeting, and even look for extra chances. Here are nine shrewd inquiries to pose to an occupation spotter. 1. Accomplish you work for the recruiting organization? At the end of the day, would you say you are an inward or outer scout? There are two kinds of enrollment specialists out there, and it's imperative to know the distinction. An inward scout works solely with the organization that is employing, while an outer enrollment specialist functions as an outsider substance, going about as a go-between for the recruiting organization and the activity up-and-comers. Realizing the distinction will help educate the inquiries you pose and will even give setting about the appropriate responses you get. For instance, an interior selection representative may have more data about the organization's way of life, however with an outer enrollment specialist, you may end your discussion by getting some information about any extra openings for work. 2. Who's the perfect contender for this job? Need an advantage in the meeting procedure? Request that the enrollment specialist portray the organization's optimal competitor. Certainly, you could simply reference the activity posting, yet the selection representative will probably have more intel. Scribble down a lot of notes and ask follow-up inquiries. You'll have the option to utilize this data to decide whether this job is a solid match for you and even shape your responses for later inquiries questions (insofar as you're being straightforward). 3. How rapidly would you say you are hoping to fill this position? Once in a while it takes a long time to hear back after a meeting. By asking how rapidly an organization's hoping to fill a position, you can more readily comprehend the pace at which the procedure will move. 4. How might you depict the organization's way of life? Prior to going into a meeting, you'll need to explore an organization's way of life to check whether you'd be a solid match. The most ideal approach to do this is to consider an organization's site and look around web based life, however it tends to be hard to get the vibe from behind a screen. So in the event that you have a spotter on the telephone, why not inquire? A selection representative ought to have the option to give some extra understanding and shading. 5. What's the beginning pay extend? This inquiry is a major no-no with regards to the prospective employee meet-up, however you may feel increasingly good asking a spotter. All things considered, the objective of this underlying discussion is to make sense of on the off chance that you may be a solid match for the organization and the other way around. There's no compelling reason to experience the meeting procedure if the organization can't pay you what you need. Obviously, you'll have to utilize your best judgment in deciding whether this is fitting to inquire. In the event that you do, you'll need to be sensitive with the manner in which you state the inquiry. Have a go at something along the lines of: I need to ensure this open door meets my requirements. Do you have data on remuneration? A beginning compensation extend? It's additionally normal for an enrollment specialist to get some information about your compensation desires, so be set up to respond to that question too. 6. Who will talk with me? On the off chance that the spotter has made it understood you've been welcomed in for the meeting, get some information about your questioners. In case you're visiting with an inner selection representative, they ought to have the option to run through certain names and employment titles. With this rundown of names as well as titles close by, you can all the more likely comprehend the sorts of inquiries you'll be posed. You can likewise invest some energy in LinkedIn investigating these experts' experiences. It sounds unpleasant, yet this can help rapidly build up an increasingly close to home association. For instance, knowing early that somebody began their vocation as a paper journalist simply like you! will get this show on the road. 7. What's proper meeting clothing? There are hardly any things more awkward than strolling into a shorts-and-T-shirts sort of office in a tuxedo. You additionally would prefer not to appear in khakis and a polo if the workplace is progressively formal. It's completely fine to ask a scout what they prescribe youwear to the meeting. 8. What sorts of inquiries questions will I anticipate? A few spotters will offer to set up amock meet with you so you can feel arranged for the genuine one. Continuously acknowledge this offer in case you're accessible. This can help lighten those day-of nerves. In the event that this isn't the situation, you can generally ask if there are sure inquiries you ought to plan early. In the event that the appropriate response is no, that is OK it never damages to inquire. 9. What are the subsequent stages? Most importantly, the most significant inquiry you have to pose is basically, What are the following stages? Get some information about to what extent the meeting procedure is relied upon to take, if any movement will be required, and what else they'll require from you. The entirety of this is significant in not just deciding whether the open door is directly for you yet in addition if it merits your opportunity to seek after. Some other inquiries regarding the procedure en route? The selection representative will probably remain your go-to contact for anything you need. Before you jump on the telephone with a spotter, they should be dazzled by your resume. Ensure your resume stands apart with a free resume survey today! Manager's Note: This article was initially distributed on our sister site, TopInterview. Suggested Reading: 8 Stories of Job Interviews Gone Wrong Step by step instructions to Interview for a Senior Position Try not to Answer These Off-Limits Interview Questions Related Articles:

Thursday, July 9, 2020

3 Ways Youre Overthinking Your New Job - The Muse

3 Ways Youre Overthinking Your New Job - The Muse 3 Ways Youre Overthinking Your New Job The energy of beginning a new position's irrefutable, in any event, for experienced experts. In any case, I most likely don't have to disclose to you that with that degree of energy frequently comes a ton of tension. Each time I start at another organization, I ponder internally, I truly trust I don't break this extravagant espresso machine and make a gigantic wreckage. And afterward after I make sense of the espresso machine, I frequently switch into How could I even land this position? mode. Exploring another gig can be precarious, so to assist make with detecting of those nerves, here are a couple of things you're most likely overthinking, in addition to the regions you ought to concentrate on. You're Overthinking How Late You Need to Stay at Night I used to accept that I ought to never go home until my manager takes off for the evening. And keeping in mind that I'm not disclosing to you that it's cool to leave your work area at 3 PM consistently, I additionally believe any reasonable person would agree that you don't should be the last individual to take off only for being the last individual to take off. Before, I've been so jumpy about leaving too soon that I've approached managers and stated, Hello, is it OK in the event that I head home presently? Even in the strictest workplaces I've been in, my supervisor saw me like I was an insane individual. All things considered, I'm a grown-up. Thus, insofar as you're not leaving anything dire incomplete, you presumably won't lose atta boys for leaving your work area once your work's set for the afternoon. Be that as it may, in case you're genuinely concerned, you're permitted to get some information about the group's common hours. While it's profoundly impossible everybody will be on a similar calendar, you'll get a thought of when it's alright to come in and head out. However, You're Not Thinking Enough About What Makes Sense for You and Your Team It's normal to take work propensities from past employments and accept they'll work at this new spot. I've made this suspicion more than I'd prefer to concede. In any case, at whatever point you start a new position, it's consistently a smart thought to invest energy pondering what propensities really bode well for the group you're on. Does your supervisor really start her day at 10? Is a large portion of your group on the West Coast? Does every other person come in ahead of schedule before substantial gathering days? As opposed to focusing on how you figure everybody should function, focus on how your partners at present work to make sense of when you ought to be at your work area. Obviously, after some time, you can presumably change things up-however in the good 'ol days, it's ideal to associate with when others are additionally near. You're Overthinking How Many Questions You Ask Prior in my vocation, I used to feel that by posing such a large number of inquiries, I was burning through my associates' time and making myself look bumbling. What I inevitably realized was that I really established a superior connection by posing more inquiries since I had the option to find a workable pace more rapidly than I would've on the off chance that I had quite recently gazed at my welcome bundle for a considerable length of time. In this way, in case you're uncertain about what you're chipping away at, don't be hesitant to make some noise. It's actually that straightforward Yet, You're Not Thinking Enough About The Types of Questions You're Asking With regards to inquiries concerning your job, don't be reluctant to lift your hand and request some assistance. In any case, there are a few inquiries that you shouldn't raise in light of the fact that in all actuality you needn't bother with the appropriate responses at the present time. From cloud organization history, to summer Fridays strategies, to innocuous tattle, there's data that you don't should be agonizing over right now since it doesn't affect your initial barely any weeks. What's more, you ought to be sparing all your mental aptitude to understand your new obligations. Also, on the off chance that you don't have the hottest and most patient group, you would prefer not to burn through their time with immaterial concerns. All things considered, there will be non-work related inquiries you do require answers to-and when those come up, it's essential to ensure you're bringing them up to the opportune individual. Maybe your HR group's better prepared to talk about get-away approaches, or the IT group's the more reasonable decision with regards to printer network issues. You're Overthinking What You Say in Front of Your Colleagues Without a doubt, it probably won't be a remarkable plan to appear at your new gig and begin enlightening any individual who will listen regarding how you ate 50 chicken tenders throughout the end of the week. Nonetheless, in the event that you happen to neglect a minor insight concerning an abnormal characteristic, recollect this: You're not meeting for the activity any longer. You've really gotten it. So despite the fact that a portion of your new partners may think you have some faulty culinary inclinations, you don't have to stress very as a lot over whether they'll keep you around. Be that as it may, You're Not Thinking Enough About What You Want Your New Role to Be in This Office Alright, so you shouldn't stress excessively in the event that you happen to overshare about your affection for chicken strips. In any case, when you start a new position, you have a new record to work from, so it's an incredible chance to assume some responsibility for how you're seen around the workplace. Ask yourself: How would you need your partners to see you? Possibly you've generally been an aide, and now you'd prefer to be viewed as a pioneer. Or on the other hand maybe you've generally worn all the caps, and this time around, you'd prefer to be a pro. Despite the fact that you're still new, there's nothing preventing you from setting up yourself as brilliant, keen, or whatever it is you realize you are-and need others to know you're prepared to do. New openings are ungainly, particularly from the start. Furthermore, it's not unexpected to overthink everything. While it may feel like you'll never be genuinely agreeable in your new environmental factors, the way that you're perusing this article implies you're willing to take the necessary steps to arrive. Along these lines, chill out, quit pounding yourself over the little things, and return to work.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Job Interview with a Real Housewife

Job Interview with a Real Housewife Think youve been on some crazy job interviews? You havent seen anything until youve interviewed with Ramona Singer from The Real Housewives of New York City.Let me start by confessing my not-so-guilty addiction to this show and my inexplicable love for Ramona and her extreme inappropriateness. I love her even more now that she has provided an excellent example of what not to do in a job interview.Its a pretty funny (if cringeworthy) clip. As a job seeker, you may never face the full insanity of the Ramona-coaster (please contact me if you do to share your story), but you must be prepared to handle unexpected and inappropriate questions.Lets analyze Ramonas interviewing style and how her victims (as she rightfully refers to them) responded:Ramona went right for the weakness question.With her first victim, Ramona jumped right in to ask the applicant about her worst attribute. The lovely Tunisia (yes, Ramona, it is a country) responds that she can be too sensitive. This isnt a great ans wer to the weakness question, but she was trying and Im sure the reality TV cameras surrounding her didnt help her to relax and be herself.Ramona immediately pounced on this sign of weakness and shared that sensitivity is a problem in Ramona-land because I can be a real B.I. You can see why I love her (but would not want to work for her).At this point, poor Tunisia tried to backtrack and insist that shes tough but sensitive, which just made her look desperate and terrified (rightfully so on the terrified). Ramona then confessed that her own weakness is I have no patience. Sure. Thats her only issue.Sorry, Tunisia. Get out while you can. Dont call Ramona, shell call you. Next!Ramona must be entertained.As Ramonas second victim can attest, she has no patience with applicants who have worked in boring jobs related to carpet or mattresses.However, she does enjoy oversharing with applicants about her mattress activities with her husband. Next!Ramona makes people cry.Ramonas third victim confessed that this was her first job interview ever. Poor thing! She is likely now scarred for life. Ramona asks Victim #3 about her strengths. Response: I am very outgoing and energetic.Granted, she does say this in a listless monotone. Ramona jumps right on that, of course. You dont sound very energetic and outgoing. She is probing for more information that is relevant to the applicants ability to do the job. Thats okay even if Ramona is a little confrontational about it.Unfortunately, Ramona then leaps across the appropriateness line and never looks back. She insults the interviewees outfit, making her stand up and twirl, insulting her stockings, and using the phrase people look at your package.Then things get really awkward. Ramona actually says, You look like you could use some help with your skin. She then offers samples of her skin care line to the applicant, who is clearly holding back tears (not that Ramona notices).I cringed on behalf of this applicant. She did not ask fo r a wardrobe or skin analysis (unless shes a masochist and that bit was cut). She was probably never taught how to interview well and now shes probably cowering in her room suffering Ramona flashbacks.Ramona Victim #3, call me if you need some help overcoming the trauma and getting back out there! My new policy is free interview advice for all Ramona victims.What can you learn from Ramonas interviewing style?Some people are nuts (aka dynamic, unique, or a bit of a character) and have no filter. You probably do not want to work for these people. In the interview, they are likely on their best behavior, so imagine how they will behave after theyve hired you.Would you have walked out of that Ramona interview or pushed back when she got too personal? In a real-world interview, would have tried my best to steer the topic back to the job. In a Bravo reality interview, I probably would have flipped the table and tried to pull Ramonas weave out.In a real-world interview, you should certainl y be prepared to think on your feet. Some interviewers like to see how you will behave under pressure. Many ask about weaknesses and failures and you must be prepared to respond (more on how to do so in a future post).Ramona Singer, call me. Ramona, youre beautiful and fabulous, but you need some help refining your job interview techniques. I know everythings exaggerated a bit for reality TV, but youre going to get sued if you dont watch your step. Also, youre not going to find the best candidate with the interview techniques that youre using (though you may find some who makes for hilarious reality TV). I can help you refine your interview approach without losing that Ramona edge. Lets talk over pinot grigio. I promise not to wear sheer black stockings.