Saturday, April 11, 2020

How To Master A Full-Desk Recruiting Job - Work It Daily

How To Master A Full-Desk Recruiting Job - Work It Daily Working a full-desk recruiting job is not easy. You have to not only recruit the best talent, you also have to find and establish relationships with employers so they’ll let you fill their open positions. This can be a bit overwhelming. Not only do you have to “sell” employers on the idea of letting you recruit for them, but you also have to “sell” candidates on the idea of letting you represent them. The key to success is having a plan. The problem is, most full-desk recruiters aren’t given a plan to work with! It’s up to them to figure out how to find clients and candidates. Don’t be a ‘spray pray’ recruiter! A common mistake rookie full-desk recruiters make is to approach the process with a “spray pray” mentality. They start calling every company, trying to find any open requirement they can fill. This is working harder, not smarter. Instead, you need to learn how to connect your company search to the skill sets you are most capable of recruiting. In this video, Ed and J.T. walk you through the steps you need to take to choose the right target group of employers so that you can be more strategic in the kind of talent pipeline you build. Learning to leverage your own strengths and market conditions is how you will be able to build up your business. Which comes first… the chicken or the egg? Full-desk recruiters often wonder if they should build up their talent pipeline before finding clients, or vice versa. The answer is: both. Ed and J.T. explain why you should divide your time to make sure you can find and fill open positions quickly. How is this accomplished? By avoiding the ‘spray pray’ method mentioned above and choosing to proactively target specific companies and candidates. Ed and J.T. walk you through tips for narrowing down this target group strategically so that you are ensuring you get better results in your sales and sourcing activities. You can be a successful full-desk recruiter, but only if you know how to get things in gear! Want to be a become a recruiting HERO? Sign up for our FREE tutorial on “How To Be Your Company’s Recruiting HERO in 2017” and discover exactly what you can do to improve the quality and quantity of candidates in your pipeline. Watch the tutorial now!     Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

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